Green Radio Boss, Oni, Changing the narratives with Online radio

Dammy Gee Oni Oluwagbemiga, the founder and CEO of Green Image and Green Radio, is celebrating his 42nd birthday today, January 24, 2024. In an interview with Temitope, Oni shared with us his vision which is primarily to use his online radio platform to foster national unity and oneness in Nigeria.

Green Radio, which was launched in 2021 and  is gradually becoming one of the leading online radio stations in Nigeria, with hundred of thousands of listeners across the country and beyond. The station offers a variety of engaging programs and content, ranging from news, sports, entertainment, education, health, culture, to religion.

What sets Green Radio apart from other online radio stations is its focus on promoting peace, harmony, and tolerance among Nigerians of different ethnic, religious, and political backgrounds.

In an exclusive interview with Temitope, Dammy Gee, shared his motivation, challenges, and aspirations for Green Radio and Nigeria.

I have always been passionate about media and communication. I studied mass communication at the  Lagos State University where I obtained Diploma in mass communication and in Radio and Television broadcasting. I have also worked as as media practitioner for over two decades before starting Green Radio.

I started Green Image, a media company, in 2008, we provide media consultancy, content creation, advertising support services, and event management services to various clients. But I felt that there was a gap in the media landscape in Nigeria. There was a need for a platform that would not only inform and entertain, but also educate and inspire Nigerians to live in harmony and respect each other’s differences.

That was how Green Radio was born. I wanted to create a platform that would be accessible to everyone, regardless of their location, device, or network. I also wanted to create a radio station that would reflect the diversity and richness of Nigeria’s culture and people. A radio station that would celebrate our common identity as Nigerians, rather than our divisions.

We have a team of talented and professional producers, presenters, and reporters who work hard to create quality programs and content for Green Radio. We also have a network of partners and collaborators who contribute to our programs and content.

We select the programs and content based on our vision and mission, which is to foster national unity and oneness in Nigeria. We try to balance the needs and interests of our listeners, as well as the relevance and timeliness of the topics. We also try to incorporate feedback and suggestions from our listeners, through our social media platforms and phone lines.

Some of our popular programs include:

One Naija, Green Morning show, Giant strides, Phonebooth, mind over matter, real talk, realities of a Naija woman, sporthub, rep your club, the diary, the book readers’ ,awa Yoruba,  techxplore, green rhymes among others.

One of the major challenges we face is the issue of internet connectivity . Many Nigerians still do not have access to reliable and affordable internet services, especially in rural areas. This limits the reach and impact of our online radio station here in Nigeria, hence, making over 70% of our loyal listeners non- Nigerians. We

We are proud of the achievements and impacts of Green Radio so far. Since we started in 2021, we have grown to become one of the most popular and trusted online radio stations in Nigeria, with millions of visitors, clicking our website and hundred of thousands of listeners across the country and beyond.

Importantly, we are proud of the positive feedback and testimonials we receive from our listeners across the world, who tell us how Green Radio has inspired them, educated them, entertained them, and connected them with other Nigerians.

Also, we are proud of the role we play in fostering national unity and oneness in Nigeria, especially in these challenging and uncertain times. We believe that Green Radio is more than just a radio station. It is a movement. It is a community. It is a family. One of our major programme, One Naija Radio drama is bridging these gaps.

We have big plans and aspirations for Green Radio and Nigeria. We want to expand our reach and impact, by increasing our staff, upgrading our equipment, and launching new programs and content. We want to collaborate with more partners and stakeholders, such as government agencies, civil society organizations, private sector, and international bodies, to amplify our message and mission. We want to create more opportunities and platforms for our listeners to engage with us and with each other, to share their views, opinions, and experiences, and to learn from each other.

We also have big plans and aspirations for Nigeria. We want to see a Nigeria that is peaceful, prosperous, and progressive. A Nigeria that is united, not divided. A Nigeria that is inclusive, not exclusive. A Nigeria that is diverse, not homogeneous. A Nigeria that is proud, not ashamed. A Nigeria that is respected, not despised. A Nigeria that is loved, not hated.

We believe that Green Radio can play a vital role in achieving this vision. We believe that Green Radio can be a catalyst for change and transformation in Nigeria. We believe that Green Radio can be a voice for the voiceless, a hope for the hopeless, and a light for the darkness.

We invite you to join us in this journey. We invite you to tune in to Green Radio. We invite you to be part of the Green Radio family.

You are an inspiration to us all. We wish you many more years of success and service to Nigeria.

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